Brighten Up

Let the world see how magnificant you are

Thursday, April 29, 2010


So I've been in school for quite some time. I slacked off big time after high school due to too much partying and laziness. Now I'm here at 25 years of age with a research paper due in a week and lots of classes in the years to come. I don't regret the partying I did, sure I wish my path then would have been different but it wasn't it and there is great reason for it, to tell you the truth I honestly don't regret it any of it. I meet lots of positive people in my past life and learned lots of valuable lessons that no one can teach you, lessons we have to learn from experience. I am in the perfect place in my life right now, I'm still in school but its OK. I do not have to prove to anyone that I can finish or that I can get good grades etc. I simply go to school to learn, grow, and experience. No matter what age you are or how long you have procrastinated go do what you have longed to do. It's your path and now is the time to get up and walk straight along the road less travel. Don't ever regret anything that has happened in your life, it happened for a reason, we all just gotta LEARN from what we experience and choose our paths and decisions wisely. Just because I say I do not regret my past does not mean I would recommend some of the things that I have done or said to anyone so they do can too "learn" the same lessons I learned. We all have our own paths and it's up to us to discover them.

Don't regret your past and give positive advise to those who ask and lead by example to those who don't ask.


  1. i must say babe i like this posting very much.very deep in a way.i dig swell!

  2. That's what Jess did for me so many times over the years(: he probably thinks I bug cuz I ask sooooo many questions ha. But he always gave me advice, and just by seeing how much he's changed from that teenager out in the streets to the young man he's grown up to be shows me that no matter what no one but you can change your life and make it something positive and full of good memories. If you screw it up, you'll learn from it, if you don't, well then that's on you(: and also that you live your life for no one but yourself you need to follow your heart and try to make the best of things when it seems as though all hope is lost. He's taught me a lot and for that I'm greatful. Without him I would have never tried to let God in my life. It took me a long time to even consider it eventually I did. & I am still trying it just takes more faith than I have right now but hopefuly I will discover it(:
