Brighten Up

Let the world see how magnificant you are

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

She's done it again

Alicia Keys has done it again ladies and genttlemen!! Her latest album Element Of Freedome is a SMASH hit!! The beats are insane and you can feel her pasion in every word, simply amazing. She will walk with you down memory lane full of smiles and love and fly with you through your current road filled with ture love, hope, and everlasting joy. She has touch my heart once again with her music. If by any chance you read this Mrs. Keys. Thank you! You are turly truly an inspriing and gifted Superwomen =)

My boyfriend Jesse worte me the poem(that's him to the left):

Theirs something........

theirs something about the way she moves
the way she grooves when the music sets the mood
theirs something that feels so right
the way our bodies come together when i hold her tight
its almost as if our hearts reunite
and lets us know that what we got is right
theirs something about the way shes makes me fight
fight for the things to make me right
helping me realize i can do anything as long as i keep GOD in my life...
no matter what theirs always something about her
something a that's lets me know no matter what
everything is gonna be alright

Isn't it lovely! Thank You baby I love you =)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Looking Ahead

Today I keep thinking about my furture (but still enjoying every minute of what today has to offer of course) and how much I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I will not only be happy but very fullfiled. I know that I will continuane to live at the right moments at the right times. My furture will be my destiny and that lovely people, brings a warm smile from the deepest part of my heart.

One day a thought will enter in your head. That thought will tell you, "Everything you have done thus far was supposed to happen so deal with it very positively, learn from it, and grow so that your furture will line up perfectly" or something along those lines lol. When it does trust it completly don't doubt it and don't question it.

Have a lovely lovely day/night

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Today is

Thank God for Target Day!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Maya Angelou

So I am reading my first book by Maya Angelou called " I know why the caged bird sings". It starts off slow but then it gets very interesting. At one point Maya had me laughing hysterically, (no joke)! What makes this book so interesting is that its based on real events. Another reason this book is very interesting is the way she writes, it is so poetic and very touching it captivates me and all I want is more more more more. I look foward to reading all her autobiographeis and best of all poem books!! She is my new inspiration. A brave women with a voice. I am so grateful to have heard of such a beautiful women!

Look at all shes accomplished, its incrediable:

"acclaimed poet, historian, author, actress, playwright, civil rights activist, director, and producer.
She has written ten best-selling books, which have earned her Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award nominations. Beginning her career in drama and dance, she worked for civil rights in the United States during the 1960s and spent five years in Egypt and Ghana, where she taught and edited for English-language publications. In addition to her many television credits as producer, writer, and director, she received an Emmy nomination for acting in the miniseries Roots. Angelou teaches at Wake Forest University in North Carolina."

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

So Excited I Want To Scream!!

1st of all I love my Jess Jess! 2nd of all OMG we are going to the Laker game 10/18!!!!!!!!!!!!! So my friend Franklyn from school decides to text me to tell me that I can have 2 tickets for Sundays game: so excited. Its crazy how Karma works. Franklyn used to always talk to me about his girlfriend and ask for my advise. He was so hurt when she broke up with him and he needed a shoulder to lean on, it was sad to see him so bent out of shape, he would cry from time to time not cool. Well anyways, you see Franklyn had not introduced his girl to his parents and they had been together for over a year. I told him that he should and that a girl needs to feel like she is apart of life, like they are in it together. She probably thought that he was hiding her and/or ashamed of her. That was so not it at all from what he would say but a picture can say a thousand words, if you know what i mean. He listened and then after a while realized how foolish he was being. I gave him some advise but mostly i listened to him. It would drain me to hear the "lloonnggg sotries" but in the end I was helping love between them two. You see they are very much in love and Franklyn just needed a bit of a push even if it was a hard one and now they are very happy. I can't say that I fixed anything but I did listen. Even when we don't feel like we should listen because were either tired, depressed, sick, angry, full of ourselves and our problems, lonely, or whatever the case may be, we should always grab the hand of the person next to us genuinaly scraming SOS. I think this world would be a much better place. No color lines, no envy, no jealously a simple ear to listen and words of life just might score you Laker tickets. lol ok ok so that last part was a little much but i think you get the picture ;-).

Kobe Bryant here we come!! Me and my lovely lovely man Jesse are so ready to have FUN and see our boys play some ball!!

Monday, October 5, 2009


Today my babe starts school to get his GED! He will earn it either late October or early November. I am so proud of him, he is what I call my warrior! He never gives up and thrives to become a better person. He treats me like the queen that I am and I love him. Once he is done with that he will start College in January. Our future together is only going to get better. We are even going to start going to church more and exercise more. Tomorrow will be 6 months together what a crazy crazy thing it is to be in love =) crazy but possible. I took a chance and look where it brought me, I faced my fears of getting hurt but now I know without a doubt this man is defiantly the one for me. If you are ready to fall in love you just have to jump off the cliff, let go of fears, doubt, and unbelief. I did and the love of my life caught me right when I was about to land flat on my face.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

A little love from Lauryn Hill

This is my favorite artist ever!! She is so inspiring, come out with more Lauryn

Angies Playlist


Today was interesting. I woke up to the movie alive with a hot bowl of Quaker Oatmeal. Ugghh but the bathroom I am sharing with roommates really but a damper on my day It smelled like dirty old pee from a hospital in the ghetto, very gross. I couldn't even eat without thinking about it. I took it way too far though I couldn't let it go. After a while I had to put myself in check and just deal with it. I realized you can't always have it all in life, there will be some colors colored outside the line and you just have to see the beautiful in it picture no matter what.

Crayon Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, October 3, 2009


The beginning of my blog Insights will be very simple yet profound. Tonight was very productive and relaxing. Getting things done and planing the future out gave me a peaceful state of mind <3