Brighten Up

Let the world see how magnificant you are

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I do it unto God

Boy o boy am I a little fustrated right now, but you know what it's ok cause I will not allow my emotions to get the best of me. I do things unto God and he is my protector and provider. He is the one who grants me supernatural favor and opens doors no man can shut and cloeses doors no man can open. This battle belongs to the God =D!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Good Morning

Its a beautiful day today in Southern California! I woke up really tired but right after a hot cup of coffee in my beautiful Breakfest At Tiffany's mug and a hot shower I was ready for my day!! On my way to work I listened to a teaching from Joyce Meyers about learning the devils stragadies and I gotta tell ya its some powerful stuff!! It made me think about that way I act and how much more discipline I need. Learning the devils stradiges is a very powerful tool for us because there are somethings I do that allow him to come in and use me =/ SO NOT IDEAL. It has to do with me acting on my feelings. When I act on my feelings I allow the devil into my life and he just srews everything up. I have to learn how to be able to feel a negative emotion but not act on it. Joyce Meyers says, and I love, " We can not help how we feel but we can certainly help how we act". Boy do I have some growing up to do!!!!! It isn't gonna be easy I can tell you that much but as long as I get on my knees and pray until I am able to conquer my negative feelings I slam the door shut in the devils face. WOOHOO now im feeling confidante!


PS: I couldn't find a pic of a Tiffany's mug so I put a pink one ;)

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Leaving the battle for God

I truly now know and understand what it means when they say, "The battle belongs to the Lord"! I'm sure I'll continue to get tested but today I experienced it and I got blessed like CRAZY because of it. For namesake and the piracy of people and places I cannot give details but I didn't complain or whine about anything today. Sure negative thoughts came and I wanted to complain and whine but I ignored those thoughts and kept telling myself, "I am doing this unto you Lord, I am doing this unto you" and woohoo a blessing fell on my lap!!

God is so amazing when we stick to what He requires of us no matter how hard we have to fight our mind, emotions, feelings, or whatever, we must always listen and obey his word. I did and wow was I blessed =D. I will continue to do my best and make sure I become an expert at leaving the battle for God!! I hope you do too!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ezekiel chapter 4

I just finished reading Ezekiel chapter 4 and it blessed my heart. God was giving Ezekiel some crazy insturctions to do in regards to Israel and Judah but Ezekeil did them and had complete faith. I thought WOW he did'nt even question God, what a great servent, I was SO wrong! Ezekiel 4:14,15 clearly proved me wrong. God wanted Ezekiel to eat human dung but he didn't want to since he hadn't in the past, not even any animal let alone human. In verse 15 God allowed him not to eat human dung but gave him other instructions. What's my point? I don't know about you but I always thought that questioning God was a big nono. I mean I thought it was the biggest sin, but here I clearly see that its not! If we were to question God, He might give us the same instructions or direction but maybe he won't as he didn't in Ezekiel's case. So very profound to me I hope it is for you too.

Let's all be as obiendient as Ezekiel no matter how crazy it may sound, just read chapter 4 and you will understand what I mean lol, but Ezekiel obeyed God and God blessed Him for it. Let us all get out of our comfort zone and do as God commands and if we have it ask God why or ask if we can do it another way then ask away. If He tells us no then let's obey anyways and if He tell us yes and gives us other instructions then let's obey in that too =)

Friday, June 18, 2010

The love for discipline and obediance

Its been awhile since I've blogged hasn't it!! Did you miss my words =0)? So much has happened since I last blogged, which has been over a month, YIKES.

I've grown so much in my walk with God and have a bigger love for discipline and obedience! God loves those he disciplines and I gotta say he has a HUGE love for me and has a HUGE love for us all. He does not discipline to hurt us put to protect us, equip us, adjust make our life's easier. From experience I know it can be tough to obey when we don't "feel" like it but we have too. I just learned this by Joyce Meyers a few weeks ago, but I learned that a good way to help us obey God when our feelings and emotions get in the way is to talk yourself through it. Tell yourself, "I don't feel like doing this but I am" or "I really don't want to but I will" or even "This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever said or done but I will do it and say it". This has really helped me and I know it will help you. To obey God we have to trust Him, believe me he has nothing but good plans for you anyways, ready Jeremiah 29:11. God had me start obeying Him in the little things so I can get used to Him and everyday I noticed my self progressing in His obedience with bigger things. I would start by asking Him little things like what to wear and now its gotten to were I am obeying Him in much more bigger things like shutting my mouth when I just want to make a point and give my opinions. Disobedience can be an addiction, we all have to start somewhere and take it a day at a time and progressing.

Discipline and obedience has really helped me and to be honest I truly feel like I am a child of a King, literally. I feel like I am really His daughter and this has been done just by continual obedience to his every word. I am not perfect and I have a lot to work on and God has a lot more to fix in my life but I am on the right track and I truly truly am so humbled by it.

I hope you can experience this with me, especially those who are father less as I am, or has an absent father that doesn't listen, is a drunk, on drugs, abusive, violent, never there, caring but doesn't understand, a father that never encourages or talks to you. God can fill whatever empty part of your heart that your biological father has created, yes even those hearts that are completely empty and dry.

I BEG you to get closer to God, hear His heart and you too will so seriously feel the joy in knowing you are a child of the King, a beautiful princess and/or a warrior prince, you will not just know it but feel it and act it. God is waiting to talk to you, guide you, love you, discipline you, bless you, and so much more. Let him in I promise with all my heart you will live the life you have always dreamt of and more.