Brighten Up

Let the world see how magnificant you are

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Ezekiel chapter 4

I just finished reading Ezekiel chapter 4 and it blessed my heart. God was giving Ezekiel some crazy insturctions to do in regards to Israel and Judah but Ezekeil did them and had complete faith. I thought WOW he did'nt even question God, what a great servent, I was SO wrong! Ezekiel 4:14,15 clearly proved me wrong. God wanted Ezekiel to eat human dung but he didn't want to since he hadn't in the past, not even any animal let alone human. In verse 15 God allowed him not to eat human dung but gave him other instructions. What's my point? I don't know about you but I always thought that questioning God was a big nono. I mean I thought it was the biggest sin, but here I clearly see that its not! If we were to question God, He might give us the same instructions or direction but maybe he won't as he didn't in Ezekiel's case. So very profound to me I hope it is for you too.

Let's all be as obiendient as Ezekiel no matter how crazy it may sound, just read chapter 4 and you will understand what I mean lol, but Ezekiel obeyed God and God blessed Him for it. Let us all get out of our comfort zone and do as God commands and if we have it ask God why or ask if we can do it another way then ask away. If He tells us no then let's obey anyways and if He tell us yes and gives us other instructions then let's obey in that too =)

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